Friday, January 9, 2009

I can't believe it's a diet!

Enjoying fitness and not doing it is just not good enough! I haven't walked properly for ages, I haven't been to gym and here I am saying that I'm enjoying the fact that I might participate in some fitness program in the future! I must be crazy!

I eat really healthy food but I add to it - and add and add ...... . The time has come (once again) to be realistic (although going on a diet is about as unrealistic as you can get) and realise that I need a shove to get me going. So I went into the chemist and joined a weightloss program - I know, I'm disappointed with me too! I now have to drink the dreaded 2 litres of water a day and cut down on coffee and tea and not have bread, potatoes, pasta and rice! I've bought enough supplies for two weeks so I hope I can be strong. I am allowed to have a normal evening meal (minus the potato, pasta or rice) so I guess I'll be hanging out for that every day! Anything is worth a try to get my body used to smaller portions (I think)!

I really am doing it for my health - I'm not vain, I don't need to go down two dress sizes before my daughter's wedding! And I'm going to present myself at the gym for a cycle class tonight - knees will have to behave. I took a dose of fish oil today (revolting but worth a try) so all in all I'm ready to go. Pedometer is back on and I'm feeling motivated. I just hope that it lasts into tomorrow and even beyond!

I'll keep you posted

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