Sunday, January 11, 2009

Little steps

11000 steps already today - with more to come since it's early in the day. Great progress - two walks yesterday and one long walk today.
Just think that in April 08 I walked to the top of Mt William in The Grampians. Could I do it again? Would I do it again?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Walking basics

I'm off to a good start today. Went to bed really late (or early) at 2.30 am because of blogs. They are too addictive - what with researching how to do them and reading others! Despite not sleeping until 2.30 I awoke early and decided a walk would be 'do-able' - a 30 minute walk around the park with my new ipod. Listening to John Farnham (yes, love his music) whilst walking was a great way to pass 30 minutes. I think that two 30-minute walks - morning and evening - would be a good start to my enjoyable fitness program - working my way slowly up to hour long walks. I can substitute one of the hour walks for a gym class - especially when it's hot.

Tomorrow morning I'll begin to record my weight if I eat sensibly today. No chocolate or cashews or chips or....

Pedometer reading at end of walk was just over 4000. I am at last forming a workable plan. And if it works you will thank me! I'm not going to go into detail about eating - we all must know by now that too much fatty food is bad and if you're reading this you know how to read a label to check for fat and sugar! We also know that moderation and smaller portions are something we should look at achieving. I tried yesterday and failed because it was a diet. Today it's just a sensible eating plan. I do believe shakes are off the menu!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wasting money on diets again!

I can't believe my stupidity. I've done what I said I'd never do - I spent money on a diet. I lasted one day - well considerably less really since I began this morning and officially ended it tonight after a dinner that consisted of mainly vegetables. I had a shake for lunch and porridge for breakfast with a couple of pieces of fruit. I made up a curried zucchini and tomato soup (not bad) but the thing about soup is that you really need some bread to go with it! What is the point of having it without bread? Sitting at the kitchen table my eye caught the scorched almonds that I'd said I wouldn't be eating anymore. Well I won't be now - I've eaten them all! And I made my way through a packet of (low fat weight-watcher) chips. So now I feel guilty, fat and poor. When will I ever learn??? I know how to lose weight - exercise a bit more, eat a bit less. Why is something so simple so hard to do?

There are so many books and articles on losing weight - some agree with others and some tell you that you need to turn off your fat switch. I agree that dieting to the extreme makes you feel so hungry you'd do anything to eat just about anything but 'diet' food. No, I'm going back to my original idea, enjoy myself, my fitness regime (once I've worked it out) and just cut down a bit on the things that are not good for me! Oh and of course make sure that the pedometer is on me and that it actually registers the steps that I take and that I take over 10000.