Saturday, January 10, 2009

Walking basics

I'm off to a good start today. Went to bed really late (or early) at 2.30 am because of blogs. They are too addictive - what with researching how to do them and reading others! Despite not sleeping until 2.30 I awoke early and decided a walk would be 'do-able' - a 30 minute walk around the park with my new ipod. Listening to John Farnham (yes, love his music) whilst walking was a great way to pass 30 minutes. I think that two 30-minute walks - morning and evening - would be a good start to my enjoyable fitness program - working my way slowly up to hour long walks. I can substitute one of the hour walks for a gym class - especially when it's hot.

Tomorrow morning I'll begin to record my weight if I eat sensibly today. No chocolate or cashews or chips or....

Pedometer reading at end of walk was just over 4000. I am at last forming a workable plan. And if it works you will thank me! I'm not going to go into detail about eating - we all must know by now that too much fatty food is bad and if you're reading this you know how to read a label to check for fat and sugar! We also know that moderation and smaller portions are something we should look at achieving. I tried yesterday and failed because it was a diet. Today it's just a sensible eating plan. I do believe shakes are off the menu!

1 comment:

meggie said...

I must be older than you! I have completely given up on the diets & the knee replacement I need precludes walking. Swimming or cycling would be ok, but well... I have never been the athletic type!
Good luck with it all. I once lost a lot of weight using food combining, which was a very enjoyable way to 'diet'. You never go hungry!